Malcolm Cowan

County Councillor for Handside and Peartee Wards, Borough Councillor for Peartree Ward Learn more

Double yellow lines in Ascots Lane – thanks to Malcolm Cowan

by Louise Lotz on 16 August, 2008

The Welwyn Times rightly highlighted this problem a couple of weeks back. Malcolm Cowan, Liberal Democrat county councillor said: ‘I contacted all the emergency services last month on whether they faced delays caused by the parking in Ascots Lane. The Ambulance Service confirmed it was a regular problem and they have asked me to take it up, and to ride with them to see the problems, not just there but elsewhere in the district. I am delighted to do so.

‘I am horrified that an emergency service faces regular problems and no-one appears to be doing anything about it. We expect and get a highly professional and committed service from our emergency crews, yet those who can clear their way, possibly saving lives, seem to be saying nothing can be done.

‘Quite apart from the need to extend yellow lines along the problem part of the road, there is parking space around that can be used and highlighted to visitors. I went down to Ascots Lane today – around twenty cars are all that were creating the bottleneck, yet the nearby King George V playing field car park was almost empty, and Gypsy Lane, a cul-de-sac just beyond the last car, was also empty. There is also a possibility of using private areas for parking if agreement is reached. Why can’t we have some simple signs put up pointing to parking while we wait for the process of getting the yellow lines put in to grind its way to a conclusion?

‘I also would expect the hospital trust to play their part – too many nearby roads are clogged by parked cars, even if they do not constitute a problem for emergency services. All parties should be working together to solve this issue, which has been going on for years.’

Since this article was first written, the double yellow lines have at last been put in.  Another success for Malcolm Cowan

For further information, contact Malcolm Cowan on 324723.

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